Document Type : Original Research Manuscripts


1 Ph.D. student in Sociology (Study of Iran's Social Issues), Dehagan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehagan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Dehagan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehagan, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Dehagan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehagan, Iran


The availability of social capital is a valuable resource that supports employees in performing activities in organizations. Social capital has a close interaction with knowledge. The current research aimed at investigating the dynamics of the social capital database to gain economic, social, cultural, and environmental knowledge of the industrial development of Kangan City using a quantitative approach and a survey method. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. The statistical population was all the citizens of Kangan City over 25, 400 were selected as a sample and studied using the multi-stage cluster sampling method. The data were analyzed on two descriptive and inferential levels in SPSS software. The results show that the average of the social-environmental behavior variable is higher than the average and the average of the change in the consumption of cultural goods is lower than the average. Based on this, it can be said that the impact of industrial development on social-environmental behaviors and social capital (including the dimension of social trust) has been positive and the consumption of cultural goods has had no effect, or to be more precise, it has had a negative effect. Holding scientific meetings in order to increase social trust in the industrial area is one of the practical suggestions of this research, also culturalization of knowledge sharing and use of existing databases will strengthen social capital and create a competitive advantage of knowledge creation in the long term.


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